Emotional Dysregulation


Emotional dysregulation is a term used to describe the inability to regulate emotions. Someone with emotional dysregulation may feel intense emotions that are difficult to control or manage. They may also experience strong reactions to situations or events that would not typically trigger such a reaction in others.

Key Things to Know About Emotional Dysregulation

  • Emotional dysregulation can occur as a result of trauma, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and other mental health issues.
  • Emotional dysregulation is a common problem in children and teens—and it can be difficult to manage.
  • It is typically diagnosed by a mental health professional after reviewing your child's behaviors and symptoms.

Emotional dysregulation is more than just feeling sad.

It’s a term that refers to an inability to manage your emotions effectively, which can range from mild to severe. Sometimes, people with emotional dysregulation will experience intense and overwhelming feelings, like anger or fear, which they have trouble coping with and expressing in healthy ways. Other times, they may feel overly sensitive to things that others wouldn't even notice as upsetting at all—like when someone is late for a meeting or doesn't respond quickly enough on social media.

Emotional dysregulation can affect relationships.

When you're experiencing emotional dysregulation, it can be hard to maintain relationships with other people because you're so focused on your own feelings that you don't think about how your behavior affects those around you. You may lash out at others without realizing why; or if someone else does something that hurts your feelings (even if it's unintentional), you might feel like they did it on purpose and retaliate by lashing out at them.

Signs of Emotional Dysregulation

Some signs of emotional dysregulation include:

  • Frequent outbursts
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Difficulty with impulse control
  • Attention problems

Treatments Include:

  • Mental Health Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Medication

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