Grace Becker

Understanding Attachment Styles

Understanding Attachment Styles

We all have one of four attachment styles that determines how we form emotional bonds and interact in relationships with friends, family, coworkers, partners, and ourselves. Our attachment style develops based on early experiences with caregivers and it evolves as we grow and develop. Learning your attachment style can help you make sense of your behavior so you can communicate and interact more effectively in your relationship with others.…

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Communication Skills for Couples

Communication Skills for Couples

Miscommunication, misunderstanding, invalidation, judgement, and all-around poor communication are universal relationship issues. The inability to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and needs without blame, shame, or guilt, will ultimately affect not only each person in the relationship, but the relationship as a whole. If you are struggling to communicate with your partner, the following six tips, used consistently and mindfully, can help.…

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